Safe Steps 2024 Candlelight Vigil

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

On Wednesday 1 May 2023, people across Australia will light a candle to remember those who have been killed by domestic and family violence. By joining this evening of reflection and remembrance, we honour their memories and help bring light to this national crisis. To learn more about the event and RSVP go to the […]

Apraxia Awareness Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Today we are lighting up BLUE for Apraxia Awareness Day (May 14th). Apraxia can affect children from birth (childhood apraxia of speech) or can be acquired in childhood/adulthood due to a brain injury/stroke/degenerative condition. Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a lifelong motor speech disorder that affects 1-2 in 1000 children. Communication is a basic human […]


Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) Day is recognised internationally on May 17 each year. Founded in 2004, this day aims to raise awareness of violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer (LGBTIQ+) people and to drive positive change to build LGBTIQ+ inclusion. Old Treasury Building will be lit in […]

Huntington’s Victoria’s May Awareness Campaign

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Raising awareness for Huntington's Disease. We are joining hands with Huntington's Victoria and other Melbourne landmarks to light up blue on May 22nd to raise awareness and support those living with Huntington's disease. Huntington's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition characterised by the dysfunction and eventual death of brain cells, resulting in physical, cognitive, and […]

National LGBTIQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Creation of the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day in 2020, was the first time in history that an awareness day was formed to highlight domestic, family and intimate partner violence and abuse occurring in LGBTQ+ communities. Held annually on May 28, LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day’s focus is in helping end violence and abuse within […]

World Fragile X Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

World Fragile X Day is 22 July. This day is celebrated in many countries around the world including Australia. Since 2016 Fragile X Association of Australia has invited significant landmarks across Australia to illuminate “ORANGE” on this day, orange being the signature colour for Fragile X in Australia. Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition […]

Green & Gold Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

To acknowledge Green & Gold Day and show support of the Australian Olympic Team, buildings in Melbourne be lit in green and gold (yellow) on Friday 2 August 2024. ‘Green & Gold Day’ is for everyone. The athletes, the fans, the businesses, the schools, the young, the old and everything in between. It doesn’t matter […]

Wear it Purple Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Wear it Purple Day (WIPD) was founded in 2010 in a global response to many rainbow youth taking their lives after being bullied and harassed as a result of a lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identification. To be held on Fri 30TH Aug, 2024. WIPD, is a day to show support, awareness, […]

World Duchenne Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

World Duchenne Day is on September 7th and the colour red represents DMD. One in 5000 newborn boys in the world is affected by a rare and fatal disease: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Seems like a small group, but the 250.000 patients around the globe think big and have big dreams. Duchenne Parents have set up organizations […]

International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day

Old Treasury Building 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The 9th day of the 9th month is globally acknowledged as International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day, and the whole of September is now known as FASD Awareness Month. FASD is the leading preventable developmental disability in Australia, which occurs due to prenatal alcohol exposure. People with FASD can experience challenges such as […]