A Lifetime of Labour: Kids at Work in Victoria’s Past

Online , Australia

We now expect childhood to be a time of play and learning, but that is a relatively recent development. In the past, many children were expected to work for their keep, and their working lives could begin very early by modern standards. In the country children minded sheep, milked cows and looked after poultry. In […]


Men’s Fashion in Melbourne’s Swinging Sixties: The View From a Discotheque

Online , Australia

From around 1966, chic discothèques such as the Thumpin’ Tum, Bertie’s and the Biting Eye catered to Melbourne teens and twenty-somethings keen to experience the swinging sixties. This talk explores the fashions featured at these venues – men’s fashions in particular – captured in intimate photographs taken by Go-Set! magazine photographer Jim Colbert. From neo-Edwardian […]
